This blog is dedicated to standing up for the truth about a wonderful Plastic Surgeon. For over seven years, Doctor Brian West has been a target and victim, suffering attack after unwarranted attack from those with neither shame nor conscience. Dr. Brian West is a great man, a wonderful and talented doctor, father, husband and friend. The stress and pressure he has endured and continues to withstand would crush most other men.
Doctor Brian West was sued for malpractice over seven years ago by patient Tina Minasian. Her attorney discovered that Dr. West had two DUIs, the most recent was in 2000, after the California Diversion Program illegally released Dr. Brian West's "confidential" Diversion file to the public. Having no evidence of malpractice, Ms. Minasian and her attorney made their entire case about character assassination, attempting to portray Dr. West as a dangerous drunk doctor with a “dirty little secret.” Their goal was to embarrass and blackmail Dr. West into settling out of court. He refused, and at trial in 2005, judgment was found in favor of Dr. West. Winning the case did not end to the personal ad hominem attacks; it was only the beginning of a living in Hell. Subsequently, this sad, defeated, angry, depressed and bitter woman, in collaboration with her attorney, sought revenge against Dr. West. They have done everything in their power and control, legally and illegally, ethically and unethically, to harm and destroy Doctor Brian West professionally, personally, and financially for over 6 years. This spiteful patient, Tina Minasian, lost her appeal November 2007 as well as her second appeal petition on January 7, 2008. On March 12, 2008 the California Supreme Court denied Ms. Minasian's petition for review. Justice has prevailed! July 2008, Tina Minasian's sixth complaint to the California Medical Board was tossed out, as were the first five.
Ms. Minasian refuses to take responsibility for her poor lifestyle choices, her obesity and her nicotine addiction. She lied to Dr. West and smoked against doctors orders. She attempted to hide deception but the damage to her initial excellent surgical results was obvious. Her smoking led to poor incision healing and killed her belly button. Additionally, her ponderous weight gain (over 40 pounds) strained surgical closures and ruptured sutures. Imagine taking a pair of pants to the seamstress to be taken in. What happens when you gain a bunch of weight and force the pants back on? The seams rip open. Drop some hot ashes onto the strained material and observe the damage. Dr. West put neither the nicotine laced cancer sticks in Tina's mouth nor the excessive calories around her waist. She now wants to blame her doctor for her choices to smoke, eat to excess, gain a bunch of weight, for not fixing her marital problems with her husband, Jeff Minasian (see "family law" case #99FL04431 in 1999 when Tina's husband filed for divorce), for not making her a super model, for not making her rich, and on and on.
For revenge and out of malice, Tina Minasian has spent over seven years soliciting patients to file complaints with the medical board and sue Dr. West. Upon her disgrace of losing her lawsuit, Tina Minasian started a slanderous blog/website full of partial truths and falsehoods, and outright lies about this doctor. This lady knows no shame; her website is riddled with outrageous and patently false allegations and accusations portraying him as a doctor who operates while drunk, and who butchers and kills people. Ms. Minasian (and Consumer Reporter Kurtis Ming) sent mailers to every patient of Dr. West's in Northern California portraying him as an impaired physician and soliciting them in her vendetta. She has violated and repeatedly invaded every patient’s privacy by contacting them at their homes. She had a sponsored link directing people to her blog of lies. In 2003, Tina attempted to put an illegal lien on Dr. West’s home. In a Sacramento Court Room in 2005, Tina even threatened to physically harm Dr. West's wife. Tina and her posse have resorted to “anonymously” bad mouthing Mrs. West on the internet. Purely for misdirected rage and revenge Tina and those who have joined in her attacks will do anything, and say anything, in an attempt to hurt and destroy this fine doctor and his innocent family. Solicited complaint made by Laura Contreras to the California Medical Board was tossed out July 2008. T.M. (not Tina Minasian) solicited complaint to the Medical Board about the surgery she claimed Dr. West performed was thrown out because Dr. West was never her surgeon!
Several former patients of Dr. West joined Tina Minasian in her attacks via the Medical Board, but only after being repeatedly contacted and harangued by Tina. Several also filed law suits against Dr. West. The cases have all been dismissed with prejudice for lack of evidence of harm, damage, or malpractice. The Courts, Boards, Monitors, etc have repeatedly and consistently determined Dr. West practiced excellent and appropriate medicine, and was NEVER impaired while treating any patient, ever. Every doctor, nurse, and colleague that ever worked with Dr. West at his office, the clinics and the many hospitals where he operated, testified that they never smelled alcohol and absolutely never suspected he was under the influence at any time. They all supported and respected Dr. Brian West, and all who were asked, freely testified on his behalf. Most of these patients had cancer and went to Dr. West for reconstructive surgery. One lady died of her cancer, yet her family claims it was the plastic surgeon’s fault. Simply not true! They claim that because Dr. West got two DUI citations, that must be why they had complications! Every patient does not heal perfectly, especially if one is obese, smokes, has additional cancers, has hepatitis, or doesn’t follow the doctor’s instructions and directions. It is easy to blame the doctor. All want money for their problems. Nothing is mentioned about how the instigating crazy lady lost her malpractice case against Dr. Brian West; nothing is mentioned about how she smoked against doctors orders (along with many of the other complainants); nothing was mentioned about how she unsuccessfully solicited Dr. Brian West's staff to lie on her behalf in court; nothing is mentioned about the police report that proves Dr. West was NOT going to treat any patient when he got a DUI; nothing is mentioned about how there was appropriate consent for surgery on each and every patient and procedure; never mentioned is the name of the doctor who actually created the hernia, etc, etc, etc…... Dr. West's medical license was NEVER suspended. Dr. West was never charged with Medi-Cal Fraud, nor did he have to pay back any money to Medi-Cal. Dr. West is NOT going to lose his medical license. There is NO MALPRACTICE with any patient! Dr. West regretfully settled the case with the lady with the hernia. After 5 years of successful practice, it was the first lawsuit ever filed against him and he didn’t realize that settling it would haunt him forever. He didn’t feel he was at fault for her outcome because she was almost healed when she left his care. The grotesque hernia of this patient is the work of another surgeon, NOT Dr. West. Her surgeries were ALL appropriately consented. All cases that are settled by any Physician are reported to the Medical Board for review by Physicians to determine if there was negligence. This case was reviewed and closed many years ago because they determined there was NO NEGLIGENCE and NO MALPRACTICE! This case was included in the original accusation illegally, that is why the Judge threw it out. The AG broke the law. Those patients denigrating Dr. Brian West are protected by the 1st Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech. Starting websites attacking doctors is the newest trend. A doctor’s ability to defend himself is limited due to patient confidentiality and HIPPA laws.
Linda Starr-Mills filed a suit against this doctor; it was dropped when the evidence showed NO MALPRACTICE. Her complaint to the California Medical Board was also thrown out. Ken Mikulecky and his wife filed a law suit against this doctor; it was dropped when the evidence showed NO MALPRACTICE. For the same reason, Ken Mikulecky's complaint to the California Medical Board was tossed out in July 2008. Ken Mikulecky “claims” his wife told him she smelled alcohol on the doctors breath.....excuse me but if my loved one was about to have surgery, I would check for myself before I would let that doctor do surgery. Nobody else smelled alcohol on Dr. West. In his deposition, Mr. Mikulecky stated otherwise. Mr. Mikulecky is making it up! Sharon and Ken Mikulecky, Sharon's sister Fern, Becky Anderson, Becky Anderson's sister Sherry Bural, Tina Minasian, Jeffrey Minasian, Linda Starr, and Judy McDonald all testified at their depositions that they never smelled alcohol on Dr. West or suspected impairment. Funny how their stories repeatedly change. These patients had surgeries between 1998 and 2002. These patients will do and say anything now to attempt to destroy this good Doctor. This is their mission in life. If you read every story starting back to 2005, it's coming from the same people and it's the same story. They are like a pack of rabid dogs.
After Tina Minasian lost her malpractice case, she found a Bottom Feeding Consumer Reporter from the lowest rated TV news station in her area and together they aired several news stories portraying Dr. West as a “drunk doctor” who butchers patients. The stores were sensationalized and full of falsehoods. This “Consumer Reporter,” who has been stalking and harassing Dr. West for several years, has never mentioned anything about Tina repeatedly losing at trial, on appeal and in complaint . The "Reporter" declined to speak to Dr. West's representatives for the other side of the story before airing his first report. Nothing that could be considered to shine any positive light on Dr. Brian West has been mentioned by him or anyone else in the media. True investigative reporting is giving both sides of an issue, not airing a biased report. This is creating news, not reporting it.
These stories are the same, tired, slanted, manufactured story masquerading as news from the same dysfunctional, bitter, dishonest and resentful people that we've been hearing from for over five years. Give it up, you gluttons for punishment. Doctor West's representatives have spoken to the media many times over the past several years, most recently January 2008. The media continues to only report "allegations" by those attacking Dr. West and ignore any and all evidence that proves these claims to be false. Because of this biased and repetitive coverage, it is a waste of time and money for Dr. West's representatives to continue this ignored dialogue with the media. Hence, this blog was published to give voice to the truth!
Doctor West never treated a patient under the influence of any mind altering chemical. If he had, he would not have a medical license. The Medical Board would have yanked it in a heart beat! If Dr. West ever butchered, killed, or harmed anyone, the Medical Board would have immediately yanked his license. His life has been gone through with a fine tooth comb. NEVER has Dr. West been impaired while treating patients or while at work and he has never smelled of alcohol while at work or treating patients. Dr. West has NEVER butchered, killed, or harmed anyone! Dr. West's office manager volunteered to sign two signatures on an AA card that wasn't even for the Diversion Program- that's it! We live in a sue-happy society and the actions of these crazy patients are proof of same. Dr. West NEVER lied about his credentials. Dr. West NEVER diluted any urine tests. It's unbelievable the lies Tina Minasian and company continue to spew! Rather than being an innocent unbiased arbiter, the California Medical Board is actively holding Dr. Brian West down on the ground so Tina Minasian, Linda Starr-Mills, Julie Fellmeth, David Thornton, Judy McDonald, Kurtis Ming, et al can rape him repeatedly. The Medical Board has repeatedly abused its authority by making Dr. Brian West their political football.
No doctor should have to go through what Dr. Brian West has endured! Dr. Brian West is a kind, talented, honest and generous man, doctor, husband, father and friend. Dr. Brian West is an outstanding Plastic Surgeon! Look into those attacking him and you will find EVIL and dishonesty. Their motives are to seek revenge, destruction and personal gain.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Hall of Shame - Texas State Board of Medical Examiners
U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules in Favor of AAPS and Remands Suit - 12/02/2010
Read More
Oral Arguments in AAPS v. TMB before the U.S. Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit - October 6, 2010
Listen to Oral Arguments
AAPS v. Texas Medical Board - Reply Brief of Apellant AAPS - Filed in U.S. Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit - 05/10/2010
Read Brief
AAPS v. Texas Medical Board - Brief of Apellant AAPS - Filed in U.S. Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit - 02/18/2010
Read Brief
AAPS v. Texas Medical Board - Record Excerpts - Filed in U.S. Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit - 02/18/2010
Read Brief
Video Update 2/5/2010
Video Update 6/5/09
CSHB 3816 Set for House Vote Wednesday!
URGENT: May 14th deadline
Board that disciplines doctors may be reined in. - By Mary Ann Roser - AMERICAN-STATESMAN STAFF - 4/15/09
AAPS Responds to TMA Opposition to HB 3816
April 14: day of reform for the TMB
Action is Needed Immediately to Stop the Harassment of Doctors by the Texas Medical Board
4/3/09 - Read More
AAPS Applauds the Resignation of TMB President Roberta Kalafut, Mari Robinson Should Resign Next - 12/12/08
AAPS Opposition to Motion to Dismiss - 10/24/2008
Read Brief
Read Appendix to Brief
Read Proposed Order
AAPS Files Motion to Compel Defendant Texas Medical Board to Comply With Plaintiff's First Request for Production of Documents - 09/22/2008
Read Motion
Read Appendix to Motion
Press Release - AAPS Files Suit Against Texas Medical Board - 12/21/2007
AAPS Files Suit Against Texas Medical Board - Read Complaint (PDF) - 12/20/2007
Listen and Watch Texas House of Representative Hearings on the Texas Medical Board
District Attorney asked to investigate Texas Medical Board officials - 11/10/07
Kalafut Should Be Investigated - Editorial for the Houston Community Newspaper - Steven F. Hotze, M.D. - 10/25/07
Texas Medical Board under fire - 10/23/07
Texas Medical Board Watch -
Refusal to discipline physicians for sham peer review
AAPS Letter to Texas State Board of Medical Examiners asking to file a formal complaint for unprofessional conduct by James Knochel, MD; Charles Levin, MD; and John F. Harper, MD - 3/6/2006
Statement by AAPS to the Sunset Review Commission for the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners - 11/16/2004
Suggestions by AAPS for the Sunset Review Sunset Review Commission for the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners - 7/12/2004
Doctors Sue Texas Medical Board for misconduct
The entire Texas Medical Board (TMB) and its officials have been named in a lawsuit filed by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). The complaint, filed this week in District Court in Texarkana, accuses the board of misconduct while performing its official duties, specifically:
1.Manipulation of anonymous complaints;
2.Conflicts of interest;
3.Violation of due process;
4.Breach of privacy; and
5.Retaliation against those who speak out.
“The situation has reached the crisis point for patients and doctors,” said Jane M. Orient, M.D, Executive Director of AAPS. “Our members are too afraid of retaliation to sue the Board as individuals.”
The lawsuit specifically points out misconduct by Roberta Kalafut, the Board president. The law suit claims that Kalafut “arranged for her husband to file anonymous complaints again other physicians, including her competitors in Abilene…”
She then “…worked inside the TMB, with other defendants, to discipline doctors based on anonymous complaints filed by her physician husband.”
The lawsuit also charges that Kalafut and Donald Patrick, Executive Director, knew about the conflict of interest of Keith Miller while he was Chair of the Disciplinary Process Review Committee. Miller served as plaintiffs’ witness in at least 50 cases brought before the Board without disclosing that to the disciplined doctors or the public.
During a marathon 11-and-a-half hour legislative hearing about the Texas Medical Board on October 23, 2007, Kalafut and Patrick admitted under oath that they were aware of the conflicts of interest.
“It seems clear from the sworn testimony before the legislative committee that they knew about the problems and had done what they could to hide them,” said Dr. Orient.
The lawsuit demands that the Court put an immediate stop to abuses by the Board, and that previous disciplinary actions tainted by the Board’s violations be re-opened.
“Doctors in Texas should not be forced to practice in this atmosphere of fear and intimidation,” said Dr. Orient. “Complaints from our members have identified the TMB as probably the worst in the country. It’s bad for patients when their doctors are afraid that doing the right thing could result in licensure action.”
COMPLAINT AVAILABLE: A copy of the complaint is available at
NOTE: AAPS is a non-profit, professional association of physicians in all specialties, dedicated since 1943 to protection of the patient-physician relationship. It accepts no corporate or government funding, and its board members and officers serve without compensation."
Another former patient of Dr. West harassed by Tina Minasian
Apr 9, 2011
Reviewer: Tammy Lee Slater, U.S. Army Soldier, deployed after surgery and came home safe. OIF Veteran.
Dr. West was a very professional Dr. every time I needed to see him for my pre-surgery and post-surgery care. He conducted himself in a very professional manner and there is no complaints from my point of view. You see, I myself became infected, but it was my fault. After my surgery, I did too much lifting, didnt get enough rest or sleep, and was always underfed and dehydrated.. I eventually ended up in an emergency room (E.R.) and after a dose of antibiotics with tons of fluid to re-hydrate me, I was back to recuperating. But this time I did what I should have done from the start, I listen to what he said. I drank water, ate right, and rested with sleep, so guess what happened? I healed and was checked off healthy when it came time to deploy for my OIF mission.. And the military Doctors made sure I was healthy in order to go. BTW, I wasn't forced to go, I wasn't active duty anymore, so it was my choice and they didn't take any chances on having an unhealthy soldier on that plane.Shortly after my E.R. visit I was contacted by Tina Minasian and she practically pushed me into a corner to file charges against Dr. West. And after that long conversation, where she kept talking and going on about needing to get his license pulled from him (I'm not rude to hang up on someone (I listened)), I in-turn felt I needed to contact Dr. West to ask him first, if he was okay and had a drinking problem, then second, to let him know about her contacting me. He was very cordial and didn't deny what she had commented on, seemed he had been battling this for a while and didn't vent to me about what he was feeling about it. If he was drinking, in which I never smelled alcohol whenever I had contact with him, this sure should have caused him to keep a bottle in his pocket. How he was so calm was beyond me. For being stalked, he sure did keep his cool.I had no idea about his medical practice records until her phone call and I felt weird about hearing about it from some stranger who I didn't even know, so I advised him to get a restraining order against her, or anyone affiliated with her for the sake of his wife and children. She didnt state she was going to hurt them, but her implies of Dr. West needing to pay for the injuries she felt he dealt her and a few other patients caused me concern for him and his family. `Who goes into a surgery knowing the risks, they're on every pre-surgery form out there, comes out violating the advices of the Dr. by not staying in healthy atmospheres, by not heeding to the "smoke causes bad air circumstances for healing skin," then rants on about their infections when they're clearly at some fault? A lunatic if you ask me, or someone who wants some sort fringe benefit (insurance claim).After the phone call I started to receive emails from her and I believe it was my pending deployment that seemed to be what she wanted to be put out there, as if he injured a U.S. soldier. I felt pushed by her while on the phone and I wish now that he had taken my advice and requested that restraining order while I was still around to testify for him.I came home safely April of 09, but from being highly depressed from losing a friend over there with some other issues, I wasnt too in-tune to what the outcome of Dr. West's legal battles with Tina Minasian were and I regret that now. He didn't deserve to lose his license.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Political Revocation

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Non-Adoption: When the Punishment For No Crime Is Not Severe Enough
Most people will read the negative Press on the Brian West, MD, Non-Adoption, and will assume he got a fair trial. They will infer he had all the Civil Rights due an American citizen, and was allowed a full defense. After all, that is what the majority believe about the American Judicial system. However, they’d be wrong.
When someone earns an MD License in California, they get double jeopardy, or in the case of Dr.West, triple jeopardy.
The Decision in the case of Dr.West was Non-Adopted by the Medical Board of California (MBC). He was found to have committed gross negligence in the care of one patient. “Gross Negligence” – that sounds awful. Did he remove the wrong limb or organ? Did the patient die or become permanently disabled? NO!! She doesn’t like the size and shape of her breasts! After dozens of false accusations and Complaints of killing and maiming patients, that’s it!
Dr.West has been the target of a disgruntled former patient, the D’Angelo Fellmeth family business (CPIL), and a questionable reporter for CBS/Sacramento. They have worked together to damage him in every way possible. D’Angelo Fellmeth used him to destroy the Physician Diversion Program . The reporter got awards. The former patient, who works for the reporter, lost her lawsuits and Appeals. All she gets is the opportunity to appear on TV with Mrs. Fellmeth and at Medical Board meetings with her lynch mob. Mrs. Fellmeth used the good name and official publications of the University of San Diego to claim Dr.West, while in the Diversion Program, harmed patients. However, this particular case occurred prior to his entry into Diversion. All of the other solicited false Complaints were investigated and thrown out for no merit.
How does double jeopardy apply here? The undisputed facts are : Dr.West got two DUIs. Period. For MDs and non-MDs, that means having to deal with criminal Prosecution, defense and legal consequences. His DUI’s did not result in harm to others. He paid the price for his mistakes. This is where the double jeopardy arrives. With two DUI’s , an MD gets in trouble with the Medical Board. The Board has access to this information, and investigates whether there was harm to the public, or if this affected patient care. Defending against an Accusation by the Board is a very expensive, prolonged and painful process. It is also judicially lob-sided. The defenses afforded a criminal defendant are denied to MD’s. For example, Dr.West was not allowed to bring up 1) the patient continued to see him after her breast surgery to consider additional unrelated procedures, and 2) the fact that the patient was connected to the disgruntled former patient who solicited false complaints. This hurt Dr.West in two ways. First, these fact do not appear anywhere in the record. Second, by suppressing this information, the opposing Attorney was able to impune Dr.West’s documentation of satisfaction expressed by the patient with his care.
Now there is triple jeopardy for Dr.West. D’Angelo Fellmeth and company have made a mockery of Public Interest and Consumer Protection here. They routinely attack all Regulatory Boards, but the Medical Board has been a particularly profitable target for the Fellmeths. Mrs. Fellmeth appears regularly at Board meetings to chastise the Board, while simultaneously seeking lucrative Enforcement Monitor appointments. She is tireless in her efforts to reduce or eliminate the Civil Rights of Doctors. With her media Lobbyist, she plants insightful stories to pressure the Board to seize as many Licenses as possible. Using the old Ralph Nader techniques (Robert Fellmeth was a protégé of Ralph Nader in the 60’s), of creating voluminous, soporific reports combined with “purple prose rhetoric,” they have been effective in creating a false sense of risk and danger. Or as Mrs.Fellmeth likes to put it, “All doctors are dangerous!”
So now, Dr.West faces triple jeopardy. The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) gave Dr.West a one year extension of Probation, a 30 day Suspension and a requirement to take the PACE program at UC San Diego. The PACE Program evaluates the competence of doctors. This Decision, in perspective, is a harsh but not devastating outcome. However, the Board, by it’s positing of Non-Adoption, wants to Revoke Dr.West’s License to protect itself from further criticism. Often, Non-Adoption is used simply to financially break a doctor and force them to give up the fight. Appeals can cost millions and take years, while the doctor is deprived of their livelihood.
Young MD’s have no idea how a minor misdemeanor or even a family law issue can jeopardize their License. This dark factoid is not mentioned in Medical School. In the case of Brian West, the Consumer Protection Movement is severely damaged by such untruthful attacks and dark politics. Taking away the Licenses of decent, capable doctors is in no way in the Public Interest.
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Criminalization of Medicine - America's War on Doctors - by Ronald T. Libby
Medical doctors have been made political scapegoats for the financial crisis of healthcare and the failed war on drugs in the United States, says author Ronald T. Libby. In order to combat health fraud and abuse, the government launched tough new laws and guidelines designed to battle rising urban violent crimes, illegal drugs, and terrorism. But, by eliminating safeguards to protect the innocent, those same laws and guidelines also made it far easier for agents and prosecutors to arrest, charge, fine, convict, and imprison physicians. Current "witch hunts" for doctors include wiretaps and whistleblowers who get 35 percent of the fines, even before conviction. Under a new doctrine of "harmless error" a doctor receives no protection against false testimony. Libby explains all of this, offering cases from media reports, personal interviews, and records of trial as examples in this compelling book. Huge law enforcement bureaucracies have been created to target doctors for alleged fraud, kickbacks, and drug diversion. Federal, state, and local police are rewarded for prosecuting doctors and other healthcare professionals, while investigators and prosecutors receive pay raises and promotions, and law enforcement agencies seize the assets of doctors charged with felonies. Libby explains that doctors are prosecuted for billing mistakes, for referring patients to clinics, or treating pain patients with pain-relieving drugs. They receive large fines and long prison sentences, some even harsher than those given common criminals who've committed the most violent offenses. As a consequence of "overzealous investigations and prosecutions" of physicians, many more doctors are demoralized, refuse to accept Medicare and Medicaid patients, and are fearful of prescribing pain-relieving medication. Join Senior Research Fellow Libby, who is also a Professor of Political Science, as he shows us why doctors have been "demonized" as corrupt and greedy entrepreneurs, how media sensationalizes doctors' arrests, and what unjust prosecution could mean for the future of healthcare.
Wars result in damage--some of which is intended and some of which is collateral. The Criminalization of Medicine is about some of the collateral damage of our nation's long-running wars on drugs (specifically, prescription drug diversions/misuse) and on health care fraud. In ten short chapters, Libby presents in-depth studies of the impact of these wars on the physicians who are the target of investigation, civil litigation (using the False Claims Act and civil forfeiture laws), and criminal prosecution. Most cases are settled or plea-bargained, so it is often difficult for outsiders for find out what actually happened. Libby has exhaustively researched his subject and uses court transcripts and filings, government testimony, media accounts, and in-person interviews to paint a rich picture of each case.
—Health Affairs 2008
A worthwhile book by an author who carries appropriate crendentials.
—MedicoLegal Consultants Summer 2008
Libby documents egregious abuse of power: suborned perjury, intimidation, deprivation of due process, malicious misinterpretation of the regulations, character assassination, vicious mistreatment of inmates in a psychiatric prison/hospital....Libby's book could be a powerful tool in persuading the medical profession to take needed action. Buy several copies.
—Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Summer 2008
Endorsement From Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.:
Professor Libby shows how wrong the public perception is. He has meticulously researched the cases of real human beings, fallible but devoted doctors who had no idea they were engaging in any activity that could remotely be considered criminal. And he shows the rampant perjury, prosecutorial malfeasance, and judicial collusion that make a mockery of due process rights. Americans may find it easier to believe the fiction of Franz Kafka than the reality presented by Ron Libby. But it's all true, and massively documented.
Endorsement From Grace-Marie Turner,
President, Galen Institute:
Libby recounts the terrifying experience of doctors who have been targeted by investigators and overly zealous prosecutors in a climate of political mistrust of the healthcare profession. In this well-documented and well-researched book, one reads case after case in which doctors have been prosecuted and have lost their practices over things as simple as clerical errors. He demonstrates that the sacred belief that citizens are innocent until proven guilty apparently does not apply to doctors. All patients should read this book to understand the threat to the future of the medical profession in America today.
Endorsement From Norman Kirk Singleton,
Legislative Director for Congressman Ron Paul:
Kudos to Ronald Libby for compiling a collection of cases of over-zealous prosecutors and bureaucrats using government-run health care programs and the 'war on drugs' as excuses for the unjustifiable harassing, fining, and imprisoning physicians.
Endorsement From Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D.,
Clinical Professor of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine:
I believe this book will prove to be a significant and quite worthwhile contribution to the literature that deals with the healthcare system and criminal justice in the United States. I was particularly impressed with the outrageous examples of federal law enforcement officials acting like brutal police in a totalitarian society against physicians in matters that, at worst, would be characterized as non-violent, relatively minor "white collar" crimes. I am certain the overwhelming majority of Americans, no matter what their sociopolitical beliefs and attitudes are, would be shocked and indignant if they understood the harsh facts of these situations.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Patient's story:
Dear Dr West,
When I decided to have a tummy tuck it took every ounce in my body to make that decision. I heard many stores some good, most bad. But I really wanted to look and feel great about myself. After having three sons by c-section my body was outrageously stretched out. Being only 4'10" and married to a 5'10" man, my sons were bound to big boys. After 14 years of not feeling sexy, my husband and decided to look deeper into having a tummy tuck. everything else was livable.
I had a personal friend that came to you and showed me her scar, told me in detail about the procedure and I was excited to get it done. Now after almost 7 weeks of my surgery I feel better than I did when I was a teenager dating my husband. As a teenager I would have never worn a bi-kini, but now I own three, and I have actually worn them in public.
I am utterly grateful that your a wonderful doctor and I would definitely recommend you to anyone who desires to have a procedure done. The drive is about 4 hours for me, but well worth the drive. Your staff is wonderful, and always kind to everyone. These little details you have make your office a friendly environment, and would make anyone comfortable.
I am very happy with the outcome of my surgery, that I had to write you a thank you letter. I wanted to thank you and your staff for all their hospitality. Vera, is a wonderful person, and I hope I can see her again. Wish her good luck for me.
Thank you very much for all you did for me. It really means a lot to me.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Quote by David Thornton of the Medical Board

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Comment left on another site about this story:
Taking a piece of stomach muscle and swinging it up to create a mound of flesh where the breast used to be is a major, major operation with the potential for many poor outcomes. The intestines bulging out into the skin is a hernia and happens sometimes after any operation on the belly. Scars by nature are never attractive. As a surgeon myself, I always tell my patients that surgery is a “last resort”. Plastic surgeons who perform breast reconstruction are doing it to help women who desire this operation, they are not paid particularly well for it. In fact, it can be difficult to find a surgeon to do this operation as they would rather do much more lucrative cosmetic surgery.
Adriana's Story:
Dr. West,
I'm completely happy, satisfied, and excited with my procedure. I've been receiving so many compliments with my new look. Thank you very much for the great results and for being so nice and professional.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
L.K.'s Story:
My experience with Dr. West was absolutely phenomenal. After seeing 7 different surgeons in a 5 year period, I had finally found a doctor who made me feel so at ease and comfortable. I had two procedures done simultaneously (breast reduction and septo-rhynoplasty.) Despite any reservations I had prior to my surgery, I would definitely refer Dr. West to any of my friends and family. He handled all my questions with sincere care and kindness. He was very patient with me addressing the millions of questions I would bombard him with. He is one of the only surgeons who will hand out his cell hone number and urge his patients to call him, should they have any questions. My results were fabulous and I healed incredibly fast. He did such an amazing job with my stitching that although I had my surgery less then a month ago, it is barely noticeable to the naked eye. I love Dr. West and encourage anyone to trust him with any type of procedure.
FJ's Story:
My experience with Dr. West has been great. He has taken great care of me since my surgery. My surgery is perfect. I believe the surgery is 100% success and I would recommend Dr. West to anyone and everyone who would want to have surgery. Dr. West has taken care of all my needs, concerns and all questions and has made me feel very comfortable. My Breast Lift looks great. I feel great. I thank him very much.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Diana's Story:
I have never met a doctor as wonderful as Dr. Brian West. My friend had plastic surgery and her results were beautiful. I saw his pictures on his website and was amazed at how great his work is. When I decided to have surgery, I knew he was the Plastic Surgeon for me. It has almost been 4 months since my surgery and I look fabulous! I look 20 years younger and my self confidence is to the sky. The staff at Beverly Hills Surgical Insitute are also wonderful. This was the best decision I've ever made. Thank you Thank you Doctor West! You truly are the BEST!!!!!
Christina's Story:
Well to start off I had two BA 2001 & 2007, not performed by Dr. West. Thinking I would be happy but I wasnt. Well I live close to Fresno & a friend of mine had given me a website to go to & I made an appt with one dr but I still wasnt sure until I met with Dr. West. I had my consult with him & I had this huge list of questions to ask well during the consult he was very informative at the end of the consultation he asked if I had any questions & I looked at my list & everything was already covered. My surgery came real fast, he made me and my family feel real comfortable just the way he talks & explains things. Today im 4 weeks post op & I feel great, he did a wonderful job & I love my results. The day of my surgery my neice went with me & her & her fiance felt comfortable with the way he took care of me my neice ended up putting a deposit for a ba & had it done two weeks after & she looks awesome. I strongly recommend him, even after hours we had his personal cell number in case we had concerns. With my 2 BA if I wanted to get a hold of the Dr. I had to call the main office number where they would connect me with the dr. Not good, but that was another reason why we liked Dr. West he cared!!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Mellow's Story:
It's been a week-and-a-half since my op, and so far, I'm pretty pleased. I have a post-op checkup with him next week. He's always very friendly and helpful, and gives you a direct line to his cell phone after your surgery if you have any concerns (though I never used it).
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Laurie's Story:
Dear Dr. West,
I think of you everyday and am so very thankful for the care you gave to my son Kevin at Sutter General. The surgery gave him back his quality of life. He continues to be healthy and able to be out and about doing things he loves.
Kevin and I are so sorry to hear of all you've been through these last few years and hope you are able to move past these events.
I remain a grateful Mom and am so thankful for you and the gift God gave you to save my Son.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Ana's Story:
Yo soy pasiente del Docta West y estoy contenta por mis implantes de pecho. En el Iuturo me are liposupcion.
Anonymous Story:
I'm very happy with my results... I couldn't be happier. Doctor West was great. He took a really good care of me, and my breast look really natural which is what I was looking for. I will recoment him to anyone. He is great.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Anonymous from Carmichael:
And I am also VERY pleased with my results and so is my wonderful husband :):) The surgery has given me the self esteem I lacked for so many years. I am trully happy with the choice for allowing Dr. West to be my surgeon and intrust him with my life. Thank you Dr. West!!! Also my surgery went so well with the most awesome of results that I may go back for more work :):)
Also have you ever heard of a restraining order against this Tina lady? It sounds like she may be a very sad soul with a very heavy heart. God bless her...
Floren from Sacramento:
Karma will get her and I hope her fake bible banging self burns in hell eternally!
P.S. If your Mother hates your guts that tells you the type of monster you are!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Christina's Story:
Hi Dr West. Hope all is well. I just wanted to tell you again how happy I've been after my surgery. I would like to thank you for giving me a better body than what I had before having kids (hope that made sense). I have so much more confidence than I've ever had. I've always had low self esteem but in these last couple of weeks I actually can walk around with my head up. Family and friends that have seen my results are amazed on how much a difference you made. I have given your name and number to many friends, family, tenants you name it, anyone who even kind of new me before I had my surgery. My face looks different and definitely my stomach. I dropped two dress sizes, before I never had a waist and now I love wearing fitting blouses and low rise jeans. I have so much respect for you and the amazing work you do. I will continue referring my friends and family because I have faith in you. You did an awesome job on me and my niece, and I definitely know you will do the same for my other niece which will hopefully have her surgery at the end of February. Well I just wanted to say keep up the good work and I'm glad I chose you as my P.S.. I have no regrets. I just wanted to say thank you for everything and making my experience an incredible one!!!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Anonymous wrote:
I met Ken Mikulecky, the husband of a former patient of yours who died of Cancer. At first he looked like he might be a nice man. A few minutes into the conversation his true colors came out. This man is REALLY crazy! If you ever hear that this man is heading towards Southern California, pack up your family and leave town. I fear for you and your family's safety.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Story from Anonymous:
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Beverly's Story:
I am writing this letter on behalf of Dr. Brian West. I live in Southern California. I was a patient of Dr. West in February 2003 in Roseville, California. He was highly recommended. I flew up twice to see him before the surgery. I had a full face lift done and was happy with my treatment, care, and surgery. I am still happy with my results. He is a very skilled surgeon.
I was sent a postcard that looked like a "wanted poster," with a picture of Dr. Brian West, that implied that he was an incompetent doctor and to contact Tina Minasian at her website, if you were a past patient of his and to file a complaint.
Also in September 2007, I received a message at my home from Tina Minasian asking me to file a complaint against Dr. West. She left a phone number and asked me to call her back.
I called her and left her a message telling her she should be reported for harassing his patients and trying to ruin a good doctor's reputation. I said not to call me or send me anything anymore. I also said that I was VERY satisfied with my surgery and that they should leave Dr. West alone.
Shortly after that, I called the Medical Board and spoke to a representative and explained the call from Tina Minasian and the post card that was sent to me from her. I told the representative that I was a past patient of Dr. Brian West and that I was happy with my surgery. I asked why they can't do something to stop her from contacting his patients and how she has managed to obtain confidential information about his patients.... Apparently she is still trying to destroy his reputation....
I am willing to give a deposition on behalf of Dr. West to the Medical Board or Courts at any time. He is a kind and skilled Plastic Surgeon and I would have him as my doctor again.
Lonnie's Story:
All I have to say is that I think Dr. West did an excellent job on my breast augmentation. They look and feel so natural. I am very pleased. You can't ask for a better doctor.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Shawn's email
To: medical complaint
From: Shawn
I had breast implants by Dr. West and even today I'm the envy of all my friends. He did a wonderful job and had a great bed-side manner.Perhaps you should have done a little research of your own regarding do's and don'ts, be accountable for your own actions. I'm sure you were not forced into his office. He's not God, he's a person like you and I... it looks to me like a few of these people were hoping for a miracle. I'm glad I found this web-site; I wasn't sure what happened to him and I was trying to get his number for a friend. Are you going to post this email?? I wonder how many positive emails you get and ignore. Maybe I'll start my own 'blog'.
From: medical complaint
To: Shawn
We're glad you found our site too. You are the first person out of a multitude that we've heard from with a good result and we're very happy for you. We hope you will continue to use the internet to search and research doctors for future medical needs, so you can make informed decisions about medical care. The patients on this site and the patients whom the Attorney General filed formal charges for, are just a few; there are many many more. The majority of them were breast cancer victims seeking presentable reconstruction.
As I am sure you are aware, the California Medical Board which licenses physicians, forwarded to the California Attorney General, charges on behalf of 6 former patients (so far) against Dr. West for gross negligence and another charge for lieing to their lead investigator, etc. On February 26, 2007 the California Attorney General filed formal charges of gross negligence against Dr. West. Please check our website often, as this website is updated frequently.
Our website is dedicated to the patients who have died and have been injured by Dr. West. You were not injured. We're happy your surgery turned out fine. You were one of the lucky ones.
Take care!Former Patient
To: Medical Complaint
From: Shawn
So are you saying Dr. West killed some of his patients? How did some of his patients die? Wouldn't the Medical Board take a doctor's license if patients died after having Plastic Surgery?
Please let me know? Either email address will work.
From: medical complaint
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 9:53 AM
To: Shawn
California Medical Board which licenses physicians, forwarded to the California Attorney General, charges on behalf of 6 former patients against Dr. West for gross negligence and another charge for lieing to their lead investigator, etc. On February 26, 2007 the California Attorney General filed formal charges of gross negligence against Dr. West. Please check our website often, as this website is updated frequently.
To: Medical Complaint
From: Shawn
Thanks for the quick response but you did not answer my question! You already gave me the information below in a previous email.????
No response from Medical Complaint.
Patricia's Story:
I first met with Dr. Brian West in June of 2003 at his office, and after further conversations decided to have a full face lift, including eyebrow lift, cheek and neck lift, and upper and lower eye lift. I was asked to fill out an extensive detailed questionnaire, including previous surgeries. what medications i was presently taking, if I was allergic to any medications, if I smoked, the healing process if I did smoke would be affected, my medical history (that is heart problems), etc. I did disclose I had atrial fibrillation, and Dr. West recommended I check with my heart doctor (Dr. Diane Sobowitz) who then spoke with Dr. West to use the drug epinephrine as little as possible, as it increases the heart rate. And because I do take medicine to control my heart rate, it was a necessary concern. Dr. West recommended I have an e.k.g., extensive lab workup, etc. and it was a go for surgery. My surgery was scheduled for February, 2003 at his Roseville office, had the surgery, and was released to a close friend and returned home the same day. Dr. West advised us if we had any questions, etc. to please call him on his cell phone. That evening my next door neighbor who is a nurse came over to check on me and had some concern about the drains, so a call was put in to Dr .West (who was attending a sport event in Sacramento with his family)he left immediately and drove to my home in Grass Valley at 10:30 p.m.( approximately 35 miles) checked the drains, and assured us that everything was perfectly fine. I had no problems in my recovery, and after two weeks looked 20 years younger, and was absolutely pleased with the surgery that Dr. West performed , his personal attention, phone calls checking on me, and his overall mannerism. I am now 70 years old, and thanks to Dr. West, I look and feel younger, and I would (without any reservation) recommend Dr. Brian West to anyone dear to me.
Jennifer's Story:
My name is Jennifer and I had chosen yourself for my breast augmentation in the year of 2002 in Roseville, Ca. I am more than happy with the work that you have completed. The breast augmentation has changed my life in many positive ways. I wanted to write to you and let you know that you do have support from myself and from two other patients that had breast augmentation performed by you that are close friends of mine. We are all very happy with our results. I was deeply saddened by two ways when I found out that you were filing bankruptcy and no longer practicing in Roseville...1. I never got to see the before and after pictures from my surgery. This is huge to me!!!! I kind of feel cheated.. Nothing I can't get over!2. I work in Law Enforcement now and I believe that all of this is just for publicity reasons. I feel empathy for the actions these people are taking and I believe that they are crossing the line. I don't know to much about what is going on, I pray for you and your family. Lord knows this cant be easy!! Just so you know I did write channel 13 and told them that I had nothing but professional and wonderful work with you! P.S. Did you know that my maiden name is WEST...........pretty cool.
With great appreciation,
Jennifer's Story:
by Jennifer June Contest Winner
Hello, I am writing this letter in appreciation of Breastimplants411. My story has many turns and I would like to share it with the other women out there that are thinking of this procedure. It has always been something I wanted to do... you just go out and get some breasts. It wasn’t that easy to get the money together... why do you ask? Well, I never really made it my goal to achieve. There was always something I needed or my 10-month old baby needed. I talked to my wonderful husband and we did our research. I discovered this awesome website and the discussion forum. At this time, three close friends had augmentation within a year from each other. I thought if they can do it, I can too! So it was a new set goal for my husband and me. I checked the discussion forum almost every day to see how people were doing, what changes their new looks made in their lives and seeing that it was an almost unanimous cheer of, "BOOBS ARE GREAT". I made my appointment and put down my money and a date was set. The only problem is I had to wait three whole long months before the actual surgery! I will tell you all that anticipation is the worst part. My breast size before the procedure was 34 AA Yikes that was little! After waiting the 3 long months it was time to go. My appointment wasn't until 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I was so nervous. The doctor’s office is 1 hour and 45 min away so we left really early! Now I have had little surgeries before and I was an utter mess this time. I was at total peace and could not wait to jump on that table. I was told the most I was going to get would be 475 cc's and that would be a lot. Well, when I woke up I was 475 cc's and it went perfect. I feel like a complete woman and I would not change them for the world. I don’t wear revealing clothing and I don’t prance around town, but in my heart I feel totally wonderful. It has changed my life for the better and now I don’t have to wear water bras. I gave all my old bras to friends that are waiting for augmentation. I love the fact that I can get on a chat once in awhile and help someone make the best choice for herself. I must give credit where credit is due and that would be to my Doctor. Dr. Brian West in Roseville Ca. It has been 2 and a half months and you can’t even see where the incision was placed (through the areola and under the muscle is the way to go). I am a waitress and was back to work in nine day's. God bless and may your decision be for yourself and not for those around you! If you read this please check out the tips on getting ready for surgery. It was my bible and all the tips I used (no kidding). Thanks so much! P.S. I am now a 34 D to a DD LIFE IS GOOD!
Gina's Story:
Just a quick note to thank you for changing my life! I got my breasts done on the 16th of September and now all my family and friends want to go see you! I have so much more confidence and my husband would like thank you as well. I'm planning on getting some other procedures done later on cause I just had the best experience with this surgery so I am not afraid of doing other things. You make your patients feel at ease and I just love that about you! Once again thank you so much. I thought none could make me look better but you surely did. Anyway keep up the wonderful work you deserve all the success in the world.
Angelaine's Story:
Dr. West,
Dr. West has given me the opportunity to live and enjoy my life again to the fullest. I did Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck, and Liposuction last December 17, 2007. Who knew that he can bring back the curves in my body and I thank him for that. Not only he is good to what he is doing, he is also very professional. When I have questions before and after my surgery, I can call him 24 hours and he is there to answer and listen about everything. His Staff made me feel at home. I am really happy on the outcome of Dr. West's work and I would proudly recommend him to anybody. Dr. West you are a wonderful doctor and did an excellent job. I feel so good about myself now. Thank you so much for everything.
Gabriela's Story:
Realmente estoy muy feliz. Desde que mire por primera vez. Al Dr. West me inspiro mucha confianza ahora que me someti a dos ciruguias con el estoy realmente satisfeche. Muchas gracias Dr. West. Estoy sequra que todas sus pacientes quedaran igual de satisfechus. Le deseo toda la suerte del mundo. Atte.
Venice's Story:
I thank Dr. West for making my dream come true. I had breast Augmentation, I had a nose job, and I came out looking fantastic. My healing process was great . Everyone was no nice. I'm glad I did my surgery here. It could not have been better!I thank all the nurses and my family and friends. Everyone was very supoorting and helping. Everyone is amazed of the results. Now all of my family is amazed. Their now wanting to do the surgery's here.
Maritza's Story:
My Dr. was Dr. West. I am really happy with my surgery. I had a breast lift and enhancement. Now I feel more confident and better self esteem. I would definitly recommend Dr. West.
Adriana's Story:
My experiencia en la clinica fue grandiosa, empezando pro las chicas del frente y gracias al Dr. West que fue mas alla de mis deceos y expectativas, estoy confenta por los resultados y sobre todo por la gentileza que cada na de las personas que estan aqui te dan y el buen trato que recibes. Gracias Beverly Hills Surgical en especial Dr. West.
Anonymous Story:
Mi experiencia es muy buena la amabilidad y experiencia de el Dr. West es magnifica el hizo un trabajo dificil conmigo pues arreglo una horrible cirujia de Busto qen otro lado me hicieron. Ahora estoy contenta y mas sequva de mi.
Angel's Story:
I am very happy to be able to tell about my experience with Dr. West. I came into the office with minimal expectations and have walked out with unbelievable results. I have more confidence and a love for every part of my body. Thank you Dr. West for all you've done. you and your staff are great!
Becky's Story:
In the month of April 2006, I had a breast lift performed by another doctor. It did not take long before I became aware of something very bad happening. I returned to that doctor and he blamed gravity. One year later, I started to seek out many other doctors' opinions. By this time my breasts were two different sizes, my aureoles were not symmetrical. One was located so high and inside that my bra did not cover it (neither did my bathing suit). My breasts had bottomed out. This means the breasts had fallen out the bottom. I had ugly railroad scars all over each one because the previous doctor used staples instead of sutures. The reason I am writing about this mess is because I want everyone to understand what kind of disaster Dr. West faced when he told me, "It's OK. I can fix this." I wish I could show everyone my before and after pictures. It is hard to explain how great I feel now that Dr. West has taken all that ugliness and made me look like I did when I was eighteen. During the last year, my husband used to tease me. This was ok with me because I knew he loved me no matter what my breasts looked like, but now because of Dr. West's expertise, he can no longer call me Dr. Frankenboobs. That you, Dr. West. You really did fix it.
Becky W.
Alina's Story:
L. J.'s Story:
Thank tremendously,
Anonymous Story:
Dr. West is the best Plastic Surgeon around. I came to get a breast augmentation with Dr. west in August of 2006. I remember like it was yesterday. I brought a list of questions to ask Dr. West prior to my surgery- you know the normal jitters and he answered my questions with reassurance. A year later, I have the confidence to wear anything I want without feeling uncomfortable. I look and feel great! I definitely recommend anyone to Dr. West for any surgery. Hes' not just a surgeon, he's someone you can count on for any concerns. As I recently did, I recommended my best friend to Dr. West. She drove all the way from Fresno just to meet with him. And just like I, she loves her new look!
Danielle's Story:
Dear Dr. West, Thank you more than any words can do justice for boosting my confidence, mind, and soul. My modeling career will love you for it but not as much as my heart does! Thank you for the most perfect nose I could have asked for. See yoiu again soon no doubt.
Andrea's Story:
I've had my reconstructive surgery about five months ago and so far, I'm glad with the results. He is very persistent when it comes to patient taking care of themselves, medications, and follow-ups. He answers my questions without hesitation and his friendly and honest manner makes me feel comfortable. I look forward to having more proceedures done and I highly recommend Dr. West to everyone. He's great. His work is great.
Proud Patient,
P.S. Dr. West is the BEST.
Anonymous Story:
My name is Sihia. I had surgery 5/21/07. It has been 3 weeks since my surgery. I am very happy that I chose Dr. West for my surgery. I am still very swollen so I still can't see the results of my surgery. The way I was treated by Dr. west and the girls is great. That make you feel very good. At first it's very scarey, especially because I never had surgery before. If I ever would do something else I will come to Dr. West and I do recommend them to anybody.
Anonymous Story:
When I first thought about getting plastic surgery I was terrified about what can happend and mainly about scars. But as I met Dr. West I felt more at ease. I've never been happier with my results and I'm so glad I made the choice I did. For the first time in a long time I can see myself happy and confident about myself.Thank you Dr. West.*And the staff was great*
Friday, January 18, 2008
Luz's Story:
Mandy's Story:
Dr. West at Long Beach Surgical is the Best! They gave me a whole new look with confidence. They're the best.
Thank you guys!
Julie's Story:
Dr. West is amazing! Breast augmentation surgery is a graduation present I bought for myself. It is something I'd wanted for a very long time, several years infact, but I felt shame in wanting bigger breasts. I finally thankfully came to a point in my life where I accepted it. Dr. West and the staff made me feel comfortable and confident about my decision. I couldn't be happier with my new breast. I love them! It's without a doubt the best thing I have ever done for myself and I thank Dr. West for the lovely work he did. I have an MFA in Film from USC and now I'm ready to make movies. My boobs are ready too. Thank you Dr. West!
Edna's Story:
Cynthia's Story:
After going to many places too many to even name, I finally called the Beverly Hills Surgical Institute of Long Beach on Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006 and scheduled my appointment with the highly trained staff for Thursday, October 5th, 2006, and of course that is when I met Dr. Brian West (otherwise known to me as the man with the magic hand). After seeing him I knew this was the place and the man to do my very eagerly wanted "Breast Augmentation." Dr. West, thank you very much for making me look my best and for making my self-esteem soar to the sky. Thank you! Thank you! You are the best.
-Cynthia C.
Paula's Story:
After losing over 100 pounds, I decided I needed to have some help with the extra skin that was left on my body. I came for a consultation with Dr. West and I immediatly felt comfortable I told him what I would like to have done. He helped me to decide the proceedure I wanted. As of today, I have had a circumfrential body lift. I am very pleased with the results and I am liking my silhoutte figure. The recovery wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I now am looking forward to doing my arms and a breast lift.
Sally's Story:
I am really glad that I chose Dr. West as my doctor. He made me feel real comfortable before and after my surgery. I would recommend him to all my family and friends who are considering Plastic Surgery. The Staff here is also very very wonderful. It's almost as if you've known them, but yet you just met them. Thank you everyone for meaking me feel important and not nervous.
Story from Anonymous:
As for Dr. West and the Long Beach staff, I have nothing but nice things to say about all of them. Since day one they have made me feel at home. I could never ask for a better staff. Having my surgery was the most difficult decision I have had to make, but it was well worth it all. Thanks to Dr. West and the staff.
-From uncertain
Jim's Story:
Dr. West, Wendy, and Staff:Thank you so much for my liposuction procedure. Your treatment care and compassion were all wonderful. I am very excited by the results so far and look forward to summer to show off the new me. Thanks again!
Vanessa's Story:
My surgery went great. The doctor did an excellent job. Had I known sooner how easy this proceedure was I would of have had it done a long time ago. Dr. West and his staff are great. They always make you feel comfortable. There's no doubt in my mind that this was the best decision I have made.
Sue's Story:
I had a breast augmentation and lift with Dr. West back in July 2006. The staff and nurses are very nice, when calling for follow up visits. Doctor sees you right away. No waiting weeks to see him again. I would definately recommend anyone here. I would also recommend Dr. West. He explains everything well.
Thanks guys.
Harriette's Story:
Dear Brian West, MD., and staff at Beverly Hills Surgical Institute,I recently had Breast Implant Surgery performed by Brian west, MD and was very pleased with the outcome of the procedure. For many years I have wanted and desired beautiful breast and after four children they just became less and less attractive. One day I was listening to the radio and overheard an advertisement for the Beverly Hills Surgical Institute (BHSI) and that sparked my interest even more. After I did plent of research and got to the point where I really wanted to do it....I had to do it! From the moment I called the Beverly Hills Surgical Institute they were professional and kind. When I finally met with the doctor he explained everything to me and I do mean everything. He assured me that my surgery would be fine. When the day arrived I will admit I was very scared, nervous, and uncertain but, when it was all over I was so happy. I would like to send a "BIG THANKS" to Dr. West and all your have all made me look and feel beautiful!
Johanna's Story:
Dr. West-Thank you for everything. I am so pleased with my results. I walked in the office "down-n-out" and overweight. After my tummy tuck I had an incentive to lose weight and lost over 60lbs and went from a size 12 to a size 5. I am so happy with my results and my self confidence is back thanks to you and your wonderful staff. Again, thank you!!
Fatima's Story:
Dr. West is a excellent Dr. He takes pride in his work. He really makes me feel real comfrtroble. I'm really satisfied with his work. He made me feel confident tordes myself. I will refur him as much people I can. Thank you for making my dream come true. You are wonder.
Thank you,
Mary's Story:
When I plan to do this surgery I was a little affraid. But after talking to Dr. West, he made me feel so comfortable. He has been should a wonderful person. All my appointments have been very good. The girls are wonderful. But Dr. West is very very good to me.
Tracy and Mark's Story:
I want to thank you Dr. West and your staff. You’ve made it possible for me to enjoy my life without being embarrassed of myself. After nursing three boys and losing 40 lbs of baby weight, all I saw when I looked in the mirror was a concaved chest. You lifted and filled my breasts and made me look better than I could ever imagine. My husband woiuld also like to thank you! I feel so good about myself. He’s seen me more in the last six weeks than he had in the last six years. Thank you again.
-Tracy and Mark
Annette's Story:
To the staff at Long Beach Surgical,
I just wanted to say thank you for being patience with me. Everyone made me feel so comfortable. Dr. West is the best. He made me feel good about myself and making the right decision. I do appreciate everything he has done for me. I had looked around before I came here. Dr. West is #1. You can’t get any better than him. He really knows his business. Thank you! I love what you did for me.
Jennifer's Story:
Dr. West,
Thank you so much for giving me my youthful breast back! What can I say other than…I’m confident again. It’s amazing what pregnancy and breastfeeding can do to your body. I’m fixed! I would do it all over again! The facility was nice and the staff very helpful. Despite having to drive 3 ½ hrs, I will look forward to coming back for future procedures….if any. Thank you for being good to me, and my breasts! I will preomise to keep spreading the word on a great doctor.
With much appreciation,
Ana's Story:
I really happy with my results. Is been a great support from the staff. Dr. West is great and professional. Thank you. My self-esteem is back again. With my tummy tuck, now I’m ready for the summer.
Guadalupe's Story
Me he sentido confortable y segura con el Dr. West, porque el dice que cualquier cosa o problema que pueda surgir el dice que el puede arreglarlo para que todao este correctamente y sin ningum problema, y para que go quede satisfecha con la operacion y sin ningun dolor permanente.
Roxanne's Story
I had a breast augmentation done. I decided to go with Dr. West. He made me feel really comfortable with the surgery. I am very satisfy with the job he did. He gave me exactly everything I wanted and now because of him I feel much better about myself as a person. And I would and have recommended him to my family and friends. So thank you very much Dr. West.
Lupita's Story:
MBC vs. West
Given these four years of the MBC wasting limited financial, legal and judicial resources on this one case, it is little wonder the State of California is in a budget crisis. With neither fear of consequences nor rebuke, Brian West MD’s case is a perfect example of how employees of the State of California can perpetually waste tax payer’s money while attempting to destroy respected professionals such as Dr. West who refuse to surrender to the bureaucrats’ illegal demands. It has taken nearly two years for all the original complaints to be removed from the current accusation against Brian West. During that time, the MBC sat back and gave Tina Minasian, Linda Starr, Julie Fellmeth, Consumer Reporter Kurtis Ming and company political cover to denigrate Dr. West throughout the press and internet while concomitantly perpetuating their false accusations. Two years later, the MBC throws out the complaints. They knew all along they had no case. They knew these "complaints" were manufactured and solicited by Tina Minasian and her co-conspiractor, Kurtis Ming of Channel 13. They knew Kurtis Ming put those who enquired to his sensationalized reports in contact with Tina Minasian so she could solicit them to make complaints. They also knew these complaints were actually written by Tina Minasian, not the person making the "false" complaint. The current accusation against Dr. West is a political response to the contrived hysteria created by Kurtis Mings manufactured complaints. But the damage has been done and it continues. Just as in the Duke La Crosse “rape” case, it took the direct involvement of legislators to derail the demented and criminal actions of A.G. Mike Nifong......who was disbarred!!!!!......hmmmmm.......Mara Faust.....hmmmmmm.....
The MBC is on their 4th amended complaint. They keep dismissing charges and adding new ones. Their latest attempt was to file a 5th amended complaint 72 hours before the trial began. The judge denied their request. Dr. West should not have to defend himself repeatedly against these baseless attacks.
In February 2008, Assistant Attorney General Mara Faust offered to settle the current accusations against Dr. West, DISMISSING ALL charges with NO ADMISSIONS by Dr. West, subject to approval by the Medical Board of California. For publically stated political reasons, the Board declined to accept the agreement. For fear of media pressure surrounding this case, the MBC did not want to come across as “soft on doctors;” justice and fairness be damned. The political careers of the Board members trumped the safety and financial responsibility due the citizens of the people of California. Dr. West does not deserve to be a political football, again. The citizens of California deserve better, more honest and dedicated public servants. The subpoena power of the Department of Justice of the State of California should be able to uncover the conspiracy and deceit of the MBC’s members, past and present. All those who have participated in this witch hunt should all be sued for libel, slander, defamation of character, harassment, cyber harassment, cyber stalking, criminal conspiracy, malicious prosecution, etc…... That will be the next chapter..... EVERYONE who has participated in these attacks against Dr. West can just sign the check and Dr. West can fill in the amount! This is NOT over!!!
The abuse of Brian West MD, is unwarranted, unprecedented and should be swiftly, severely and publically punished. All those involved should be held accountable both civilly and criminally. The unbiased and impartial application of California Law and Rules is essential for maintenance of order and public confidence in the government.
ALL evidence and testimony support Dr. Brian West was honest and truthful at ALL times with MBC Investigator Elizabeth Schlie. For more information:
Dr. West's request for a restraining order against Tina Minasian
Tina likes to hide behind what she calls her “freedom of speech.” What Tina and company consider to be “freedom of speech” is considered defamation, slander, libel, stalking, cyber stalking, cyber harassment, conspiracy, harassment, etc… the rest of the world.
Statement made by Anonymous:
Tina Minasian vs Dr. West
"plaintiff testified in her deposition that during defendant's treatment of her, she never smelled alcohol, never thought he was drunk, and never thought he was under the influence of alcohol."
"the Medical Board ultimately found no evidence was presented that defendant harmed any patient as a result of his alcoholism."
Martha's Story: (Dr. West's former Nurse - she has known Dr. West since 1996/1997)
I particularly find the personal vendetta brought about by Tina Minasian to be disgusting! She has personally sought out patients to stand up with her on a very small soapbox of very large lies. Is this not a federal violation of doctor / patient confidentiality? Many of these cases brought to your attention five years after her initial complaints and accusations. I believe these patients had no complaints until manipulated by Tina Minasian and her attorney in subliminal process that they had. Tina Minasian has lied about contacting Doctor's previous employees to testify on her behalf at the malpractice case she brought against doctor West. Tina Minasian has failed to mention she lied about this in court. Tina Minasian has failed to mention that 12 jurors found there was NO malpractice. This case was entirely based on the fact the Doctor had 2 DUI's. I did testify at this trial on behalf of Doctor West. She has filed 2 appeals, which have been dismissed.
I know the accusations of patients claiming Doctor West to be under the influence while performing surgery to be false. Investigations of his peers and colleagues have been proof of these false allegations. I, myself have assisted in several surgeries with Doctor West and never was he under the influence. I also have never seen Doctor West treat open wounds with ungloved hands. This would not only be a danger to the patient but the Doctor himself.
Plastic Surgeon's don't cause cancer nor can they cure cancer. They can't keep you from smoking cigarettes no matter how much they tell you not to smoke. They can't make you listen to the risks of surgery, infections and scars no matter how many times you are told pre operatively and you placed your signature on the consents.
I have also been a patient of Doctor West. I had a fully tummy tuck. Of the many thousands of patients Doctor West had, you should also be considering those of us that are happy with the results provided. On a final note, I believe the Medical Board should look into their own department for an employee involved in the investigative and decision-making powers of ones license. A Medical Board employee drinking before and during work hours. Not to mention the discussion of investigation matters in public.
Thank you for hearing me today,
Information and Risks associated with Breast Reconstruction">
"Your body image and self-esteem may improve after your reconstruction surgery, but this is not always the case. Breast reconstruction does not fix things you were unhappy about before your surgery. Also, you may be disappointed with how your breast looks after surgery. You and those close to you must be realistic about what to expect from reconstruction."
"Your ability to heal may be hindered by previous surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, smoking, alcohol, diabetes, various medicines, and other factors."
"Not all surgery is completely successful, and you may not be pleased with your cosmetic result."
"Tissue Flap Procedures
Tissue flap procedures use tissue from your tummy, back, thighs, or buttocks to reconstruct the breast. The 2 most common types of tissue flap surgeries are the TRAM flap (transverse rectus abdominis muscle flap), which uses tissue from the tummy area, and the latissimus dorsi flap, which uses tissue from the upper back. These operations leave 2 surgical sites and scars, both from where the tissue was taken and on the reconstructed breast. The scars fade over time, but they will never go away completely. There can also be complications at the donor sites, such as abdominal hernias and muscle damage or weakness. There can also be differences in the size and shape of the 2 breasts. Because blood vessels are involved, these procedures usually cannot be offered to women with diabetes, connective tissue or vascular disease, or to smokers."
"Possible Risks:
Almost any woman who must have her breast removed because of cancer can have reconstructive surgery. Certain risks go along with any surgery, and reconstruction may have certain unique problems associated with it.
Some risks of reconstruction surgery are:
fluid collection with swelling and pain
excessive scar tissue
tissue necrosis (death) of all or part of the flap
problems at the donor site (immediate and long-term)
changes in nipple and breast sensation
the need for additional surgeries to correct problems
changes in the affected arm
problems with anesthesia"
"Risks of smoking
The use of tobacco causes constriction of the blood vessels and reduces the supply of nutrients and oxygen to tissues. As with any surgery, smoking can delay healing. This can result in scars that are more noticeable and a longer recovery time. Sometimes these complications are severe enough to require a second operation. You may be asked to quit smoking before surgery."
"Risks of infection
Infection can develop with any surgery. This usually happens within the first 2 weeks after surgery. If an implant has been used, it may need to be removed until the infection clears. A new implant can be inserted later. If you have a tissue flap, surgical cleaning of the wound is usually done."
This is exactly the same hell that Dr. West and his family have gone thru for 7+ years.
The inpact of false accusations
The Duke Lacrosse Case is much like the conspiracy against Dr. West based on false allegations
- Very similar to the anguish that Dr. West, his wife, and children have lived for over 5 years
- The helplessness of being falsely accused is something Dr. West knows very well....and the affects on his loved ones.
- David Thornton is "OFFENSIVE"
- Attacks by CPIL, Patient Advocates, and Doctor Haters
- The West's trust MBC and Dave Thornton? Not a chance!
- "It NEVER happened"
- Different false allegations and players, but very similar
- Dave Thornton along with others at the MBC are Dr. West's Mike Nifong!
- Different false allegations and players, but very similar
- "different players", "different accusations", but This is very much what Dr. West, his wife, and their babies have lived for 7 years now based on false allegations by a few vengeful and evil patients