This blog is dedicated to standing up for the truth about a wonderful Plastic Surgeon. For over seven years, Doctor Brian West has been a target and victim, suffering attack after unwarranted attack from those with neither shame nor conscience. Dr. Brian West is a great man, a wonderful and talented doctor, father, husband and friend. The stress and pressure he has endured and continues to withstand would crush most other men.
Doctor Brian West was sued for malpractice over seven years ago by patient Tina Minasian. Her attorney discovered that Dr. West had two DUIs, the most recent was in 2000, after the California Diversion Program illegally released Dr. Brian West's "confidential" Diversion file to the public. Having no evidence of malpractice, Ms. Minasian and her attorney made their entire case about character assassination, attempting to portray Dr. West as a dangerous drunk doctor with a “dirty little secret.” Their goal was to embarrass and blackmail Dr. West into settling out of court. He refused, and at trial in 2005, judgment was found in favor of Dr. West. Winning the case did not end to the personal ad hominem attacks; it was only the beginning of a living in Hell. Subsequently, this sad, defeated, angry, depressed and bitter woman, in collaboration with her attorney, sought revenge against Dr. West. They have done everything in their power and control, legally and illegally, ethically and unethically, to harm and destroy Doctor Brian West professionally, personally, and financially for over 6 years. This spiteful patient, Tina Minasian, lost her appeal November 2007 as well as her second appeal petition on January 7, 2008. On March 12, 2008 the California Supreme Court denied Ms. Minasian's petition for review. Justice has prevailed! July 2008, Tina Minasian's sixth complaint to the California Medical Board was tossed out, as were the first five.
Ms. Minasian refuses to take responsibility for her poor lifestyle choices, her obesity and her nicotine addiction. She lied to Dr. West and smoked against doctors orders. She attempted to hide deception but the damage to her initial excellent surgical results was obvious. Her smoking led to poor incision healing and killed her belly button. Additionally, her ponderous weight gain (over 40 pounds) strained surgical closures and ruptured sutures. Imagine taking a pair of pants to the seamstress to be taken in. What happens when you gain a bunch of weight and force the pants back on? The seams rip open. Drop some hot ashes onto the strained material and observe the damage. Dr. West put neither the nicotine laced cancer sticks in Tina's mouth nor the excessive calories around her waist. She now wants to blame her doctor for her choices to smoke, eat to excess, gain a bunch of weight, for not fixing her marital problems with her husband, Jeff Minasian (see "family law" case #99FL04431 in 1999 when Tina's husband filed for divorce), for not making her a super model, for not making her rich, and on and on.
For revenge and out of malice, Tina Minasian has spent over seven years soliciting patients to file complaints with the medical board and sue Dr. West. Upon her disgrace of losing her lawsuit, Tina Minasian started a slanderous blog/website full of partial truths and falsehoods, and outright lies about this doctor. This lady knows no shame; her website is riddled with outrageous and patently false allegations and accusations portraying him as a doctor who operates while drunk, and who butchers and kills people. Ms. Minasian (and Consumer Reporter Kurtis Ming) sent mailers to every patient of Dr. West's in Northern California portraying him as an impaired physician and soliciting them in her vendetta. She has violated and repeatedly invaded every patient’s privacy by contacting them at their homes. She had a sponsored link directing people to her blog of lies. In 2003, Tina attempted to put an illegal lien on Dr. West’s home. In a Sacramento Court Room in 2005, Tina even threatened to physically harm Dr. West's wife. Tina and her posse have resorted to “anonymously” bad mouthing Mrs. West on the internet. Purely for misdirected rage and revenge Tina and those who have joined in her attacks will do anything, and say anything, in an attempt to hurt and destroy this fine doctor and his innocent family. Solicited complaint made by Laura Contreras to the California Medical Board was tossed out July 2008. T.M. (not Tina Minasian) solicited complaint to the Medical Board about the surgery she claimed Dr. West performed was thrown out because Dr. West was never her surgeon!
Several former patients of Dr. West joined Tina Minasian in her attacks via the Medical Board, but only after being repeatedly contacted and harangued by Tina. Several also filed law suits against Dr. West. The cases have all been dismissed with prejudice for lack of evidence of harm, damage, or malpractice. The Courts, Boards, Monitors, etc have repeatedly and consistently determined Dr. West practiced excellent and appropriate medicine, and was NEVER impaired while treating any patient, ever. Every doctor, nurse, and colleague that ever worked with Dr. West at his office, the clinics and the many hospitals where he operated, testified that they never smelled alcohol and absolutely never suspected he was under the influence at any time. They all supported and respected Dr. Brian West, and all who were asked, freely testified on his behalf. Most of these patients had cancer and went to Dr. West for reconstructive surgery. One lady died of her cancer, yet her family claims it was the plastic surgeon’s fault. Simply not true! They claim that because Dr. West got two DUI citations, that must be why they had complications! Every patient does not heal perfectly, especially if one is obese, smokes, has additional cancers, has hepatitis, or doesn’t follow the doctor’s instructions and directions. It is easy to blame the doctor. All want money for their problems. Nothing is mentioned about how the instigating crazy lady lost her malpractice case against Dr. Brian West; nothing is mentioned about how she smoked against doctors orders (along with many of the other complainants); nothing was mentioned about how she unsuccessfully solicited Dr. Brian West's staff to lie on her behalf in court; nothing is mentioned about the police report that proves Dr. West was NOT going to treat any patient when he got a DUI; nothing is mentioned about how there was appropriate consent for surgery on each and every patient and procedure; never mentioned is the name of the doctor who actually created the hernia, etc, etc, etc…... Dr. West's medical license was NEVER suspended. Dr. West was never charged with Medi-Cal Fraud, nor did he have to pay back any money to Medi-Cal. Dr. West is NOT going to lose his medical license. There is NO MALPRACTICE with any patient! Dr. West regretfully settled the case with the lady with the hernia. After 5 years of successful practice, it was the first lawsuit ever filed against him and he didn’t realize that settling it would haunt him forever. He didn’t feel he was at fault for her outcome because she was almost healed when she left his care. The grotesque hernia of this patient is the work of another surgeon, NOT Dr. West. Her surgeries were ALL appropriately consented. All cases that are settled by any Physician are reported to the Medical Board for review by Physicians to determine if there was negligence. This case was reviewed and closed many years ago because they determined there was NO NEGLIGENCE and NO MALPRACTICE! This case was included in the original accusation illegally, that is why the Judge threw it out. The AG broke the law. Those patients denigrating Dr. Brian West are protected by the 1st Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech. Starting websites attacking doctors is the newest trend. A doctor’s ability to defend himself is limited due to patient confidentiality and HIPPA laws.
Linda Starr-Mills filed a suit against this doctor; it was dropped when the evidence showed NO MALPRACTICE. Her complaint to the California Medical Board was also thrown out. Ken Mikulecky and his wife filed a law suit against this doctor; it was dropped when the evidence showed NO MALPRACTICE. For the same reason, Ken Mikulecky's complaint to the California Medical Board was tossed out in July 2008. Ken Mikulecky “claims” his wife told him she smelled alcohol on the doctors breath.....excuse me but if my loved one was about to have surgery, I would check for myself before I would let that doctor do surgery. Nobody else smelled alcohol on Dr. West. In his deposition, Mr. Mikulecky stated otherwise. Mr. Mikulecky is making it up! Sharon and Ken Mikulecky, Sharon's sister Fern, Becky Anderson, Becky Anderson's sister Sherry Bural, Tina Minasian, Jeffrey Minasian, Linda Starr, and Judy McDonald all testified at their depositions that they never smelled alcohol on Dr. West or suspected impairment. Funny how their stories repeatedly change. These patients had surgeries between 1998 and 2002. These patients will do and say anything now to attempt to destroy this good Doctor. This is their mission in life. If you read every story starting back to 2005, it's coming from the same people and it's the same story. They are like a pack of rabid dogs.
After Tina Minasian lost her malpractice case, she found a Bottom Feeding Consumer Reporter from the lowest rated TV news station in her area and together they aired several news stories portraying Dr. West as a “drunk doctor” who butchers patients. The stores were sensationalized and full of falsehoods. This “Consumer Reporter,” who has been stalking and harassing Dr. West for several years, has never mentioned anything about Tina repeatedly losing at trial, on appeal and in complaint . The "Reporter" declined to speak to Dr. West's representatives for the other side of the story before airing his first report. Nothing that could be considered to shine any positive light on Dr. Brian West has been mentioned by him or anyone else in the media. True investigative reporting is giving both sides of an issue, not airing a biased report. This is creating news, not reporting it.
These stories are the same, tired, slanted, manufactured story masquerading as news from the same dysfunctional, bitter, dishonest and resentful people that we've been hearing from for over five years. Give it up, you gluttons for punishment. Doctor West's representatives have spoken to the media many times over the past several years, most recently January 2008. The media continues to only report "allegations" by those attacking Dr. West and ignore any and all evidence that proves these claims to be false. Because of this biased and repetitive coverage, it is a waste of time and money for Dr. West's representatives to continue this ignored dialogue with the media. Hence, this blog was published to give voice to the truth!
Doctor West never treated a patient under the influence of any mind altering chemical. If he had, he would not have a medical license. The Medical Board would have yanked it in a heart beat! If Dr. West ever butchered, killed, or harmed anyone, the Medical Board would have immediately yanked his license. His life has been gone through with a fine tooth comb. NEVER has Dr. West been impaired while treating patients or while at work and he has never smelled of alcohol while at work or treating patients. Dr. West has NEVER butchered, killed, or harmed anyone! Dr. West's office manager volunteered to sign two signatures on an AA card that wasn't even for the Diversion Program- that's it! We live in a sue-happy society and the actions of these crazy patients are proof of same. Dr. West NEVER lied about his credentials. Dr. West NEVER diluted any urine tests. It's unbelievable the lies Tina Minasian and company continue to spew! Rather than being an innocent unbiased arbiter, the California Medical Board is actively holding Dr. Brian West down on the ground so Tina Minasian, Linda Starr-Mills, Julie Fellmeth, David Thornton, Judy McDonald, Kurtis Ming, et al can rape him repeatedly. The Medical Board has repeatedly abused its authority by making Dr. Brian West their political football.
No doctor should have to go through what Dr. Brian West has endured! Dr. Brian West is a kind, talented, honest and generous man, doctor, husband, father and friend. Dr. Brian West is an outstanding Plastic Surgeon! Look into those attacking him and you will find EVIL and dishonesty. Their motives are to seek revenge, destruction and personal gain.